Before Architecture. Vor der Architektur.
Departing from the thesis that it is possible to regenerate architecture by interpreting common programmes in surprising ways, the exhibition presents the architectural principles and content of three different outsider positions.
Position 1: Josef Lackner
(1931–2000), architect and professor at the TU Innsbruck
Five selected built works show the development of architecture as a result of consistently applied conceptual logic.
Position 2: PAUHOF architekten
Michael Hofstätter (born in 1953), Wolfgang Pauzenberger (born in 1959)
Their programmatic approach makes it clear that architecture is not the mere provision of a service but instead must contribute long-term added value to society.
Position 3: Residential Building as Motivation
Residential building is becoming more and more the focus of attention in international architecture discourse. Vienna in particular defines itself on an urban development level through the sheer building volume dedicated to social housing. With the necessary outsider's perspective, Werner Sewing (architectural sociologist and theorist, Berlin) explores the potential of residential building as a motivation for architecture using Austria as a case study.
To supplement this programme, an international conference on the subject of residential building will be held at the Austrian Pavilion in Venice from October 3 to 4, 2008.
© Before Architecture, Commissioner Bettina Götz, ARTEC Architekten 2008 |