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Many thanks!

We thank Dr. Gertraud Gürtler, Ursula & Thomas Krinzinger, Dr. Corinne Moussong, Dr. Roland and Gabriela Maucher, Ronnie Piëch, Hanno Soravia GmbH, Renate and Herbert Pimmer, Thaddaeus Ropac, London Paris Salzburg, Sotheby's, Ströck Brot GmbH, Toni & Adrian and all those who wish to remain anonymous.

Friends of the Venice Biennale

The Biennale Arte 2022 will see a continuation of the activities of the Friends of the Venice Biennale, whose objectives are researching contemporary art and architecture with respect to La Biennale di Venezia and the Austrian Pavilion in particular.

Membership gives you an opportunity to support future Venice Art and Architecture Biennales and their research and cultural mission and to directly support the creation and presentation of contemporary art.

For further information, please contact